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Join us as we delve into the core concepts of Drupal 8, uncovering its unique architecture one line of code at a time!

A computer monitor is sitting on a desk with a keyboard and mouse.
07 Oct, 2024
Drupal has become a top choice in the world of content management systems (CMS). It has over 48,000 community-created modules for web development.
11 Jul, 2023
Drupal is a good CMS, that anyone with some development experience, can use to develop websites and applications. In today’s article we are going to continue with our series on Drupal 8, the best CMS in the whole wide world and focus on Views . The Views feature that is included with Drupal, allow a user to create a list of content to present on their website. The display of views is handled by the core Views module, and users can create and edit their views through the Views UI . Any content that is stored on a website’s database can be displayed using Views, in different ways, such as table with sortable fields, grid layouts, teasers or pictures that link to articles, blocks, JSON output, RSS feeds, calendar and on-screen slideshows. A view has several parts, which can be seen by a user when he/she is creating a view, such parts are the display (page, block, feed, attachment), format, fields, filter criteria, sort criteria, contextual filters and relationships. Views essentially allows users to create a list of content, for a website, without having to know any SQL or know the database. Views allow users to choose, the format of the results, users can open the format windows, and choose a format from the list of formats. Such formats are the grid, an HTLM list, Jump menu, a table and an unformatted list. A user can add fields to the view, to show, the contents of its database, the fields can be chosen only when a user chooses a certain format, such as an HTML list. As the user ads fields to his/her views configuration, it is important to note that as the user ads these fields, he/she is presented with a dialog box, that prompts them to set certain settings options for a field. Users can also choose where their views are going to appear on the page, when they turn their views into a block and choose where to place the block, in the block layout page. Users can also choose to rewrite the results of their views, by changing the settings options, under the rewrite results tab. Views formatter allow users to change the way, in which views display information to users on a website. The style of a view can also be manipulated, by going into the settings options for each field, under the style settings tab of the settings. Users can choose their HTML element, add a CSS class, wrap the field’s label, and create a class for that field as well. If a user wants to limit the amount of CSS classes that Drupal adds by default, the user can uncheck the add default classes box found under the fields’ settings under style settings. The views module allows users to use the power of relationships, for them to relate tables together and pull information from both tables. Developers can relate two tables, by adding a relationship , under the advance settings options, under add a relationship. Once the relationship has been added, then the user can add the field from the other tables, which have been related to the view. Users also have the option to put two table columns together, in the table’s setting under format, when users chose the table format option. Thank you for reading this article!!!
11 Jul, 2023
Drupal is a great content management system, that everyone should use to build their systems. In today’s article we are going to talk about another Drupal concept which we need to delve a bit deeper, this concept is known as modules . If you would like your site to be more dynamic, by adding new features and extending Drupal core, then you’d need to know what a module is and know how to use and develop them. Developers can also alter existing functionality developed a website, which meet the requirements of stakeholders, by only using the features of Drupal that they need. Community-contributed modules are available to any developer, who wish to fulfil a certain specific purpose. Developers must know what they need, and determine the functionality they are looking to fulfill, to know how to locate, install and evaluate existing modules, which is a huge part of learning Drupal. When necessary new modules can be created, by writing PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript code. Solving specific project requirements, requires a developer to use a module, which contain custom features or alter existing features. Custom modules are types of modules, that usually reside in the /modules/custom directory, they are project-specific, and written for a specific application. Contributed modules are another type of modules, found and downloaded from, these modules are placed in the /modules/contrib directory and are not part of Drupal core. Another type of modules are core modules, these modules are found in the /core/modules/ directory and are part of Drupal core. During the development of a module, it is a very good idea to understand how to secure, and keep the code updated, so that the website does not suffer, from security vulneraries and is always up to date. Another thing to remember when writing code to develop a custom module, is to adhere to Drupal’s coding standards . It is important to understand what coding standards are and why they are important to follow, to write code. The set of rules designed for programmers, which define best practices, code formatting and various other rules, is known as coding standards. Following coding standards, can help programmers on a team, to be able to follow and understand each other’s code, because everyone would have to follow the same conventions. Developers learn how to style and format their code, by following code standards, which define how the code will be read and how it will look. Indentation, whitespace and line length are all part of the style coding standards of Drupal. The whole Drupal project has a sense of coherence, when developers across the globe, using Drupal adhere to the same coding standards. Setting up expectations on how code should look, is a good thing, and makes coding standards very important. It is essential in a community like Drupal, for developers to follow coding standards, because developers around the world, can read, maintain and modify each other’s code. Drupal’s codebase can also stay consistent, when there are concrete coding standards, to follow. Another important part of code standards is substance , which has information about the content and standard of your code. The use of various functions and components in your code, is very important according to substance coding standards  Thank you for reading this article!!!
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