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Drupal 8 is a Great Way of Developing a Useful and Valuable Website – Part Sixteen

Cinnamon Lampson • Mar 28, 2023

A world where things are available for you to use free of charge, is an ideal world, however if you don’t know how to use these tools to advance your purpose, you can be stuck at the same place for years, until you get up and go learn what it is that you need to learn; to be able to use the tools that you need, in order for you to accomplish your goals.

In today’s article, we are going to talk about Plugins in Drupal 8, we will focus first on Plugin Factories and Mapper and then we’ll talk about other aspects of the Plugin API. When a developer wants to instantiate a plugin and don’t know anything about how the plugin is handled, they can accomplish this by using the plugin factory.

Useful implementations of the FactoryInterface are provided by Drupal core, so that it can be used to instantiate plugin instances, through custom plugin managers. The MyPluginManager::createInstance()method is provided to the plugin manager. A plugin instance can be instantiated with this method because it proxies the request to the selected factory class which instantiate and return the specified plugin instance.

The \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Factory\FactoryInterface is implemented by the plugin factories. The most base factory in Drupal core is the default factory, which is provided by the Drupal\Component\Plugin\Factory\DefaultFactory class.

Questions such as What arguments should be passed to a class and which one should be instantiated? Are all answered by the default factory. By the way, this is not the default factory that Drupal uses, we’ll talk about the container factory next which is the one that Drupal uses as its default factory.

Once a plugin has been located and provided to the plugin manager, then the plugin factory maps that plugin ID to a class, then that class is returned after it has been instantiated with common arguments.

The definition of the plugin which is returned by the discovery mechanism, the ID of the plugin being instantiated and any additional information about configuration passed to the createInstance() method when it is called; are some of the arguments passed by the default factory.

An example code of this is: Note: All the code on this article is provided by

// Arguments passed to __construct() method:

// - $configuration (array): Passed to the createInstance() method from caller.

// - $plugin_id (string): Unique ID of the plugin being instantiated.

// - $plugin_definition (array): Plugin meta-data read from the annotation.

return new HamSandwich($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition);

The recommended factory for most use cases regardless of what the name may imply is known as the container factory. The


class can do the same thing as the


class; however, it has one major addition, once it has extended the DefaultFactory class. The ContainerFactory class performs constructor injection, and by calling the:: create() method, it can inject a copy of the Drupal services container for a module to use. If you want your custom plugin manager to have access to the services container, then you’ll want to use the ContainerFactory class. When a plugin does not use the container injection pattern or don’t implement the:: create() method, the container factory will be able to recognize that, and instead follows the Default DefaultFactory factory method to instantiate the plugin.

Whenever an instance of a plugin has the ability to decide, which factory it wants to use, then that factory method is the best choice, in this case, this is the ContainerFactory. A good example code is listed below.

/ Arguments passed to create() method:

// - $container: A copy of the Drupal service container.

// - $configuration (array): Passed to the createInstance() method from caller.

// - $plugin_id (string): Unique ID of the plugin being instantiated.

// - $plugin_definition (array): Plugin meta-data read from the annotation.

return CheeseSandwich::create(\Drupal::getContainer(), $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition);

Another type of factory is the reflection factory, which is provided by the Drupal\Component\Plugin\Factory\ReflectionFactory class.

This factory is able to allow a variable or unknown set of arguments to be in the constructor of a plugin manager, which adds more flexibility to development efforts. Some introspection is done by this factory in the class it is about to instantiate; by analyzing the class. The list of arguments being passed to the constructor, based on the method signature to the constructor is also derived by this factory.

Thank you for reading this article!!!

11 Jul, 2023
Drupal is a good CMS, that anyone with some development experience, can use to develop websites and applications. In today’s article we are going to continue with our series on Drupal 8, the best CMS in the whole wide world and focus on Views . The Views feature that is included with Drupal, allow a user to create a list of content to present on their website. The display of views is handled by the core Views module, and users can create and edit their views through the Views UI . Any content that is stored on a website’s database can be displayed using Views, in different ways, such as table with sortable fields, grid layouts, teasers or pictures that link to articles, blocks, JSON output, RSS feeds, calendar and on-screen slideshows. A view has several parts, which can be seen by a user when he/she is creating a view, such parts are the display (page, block, feed, attachment), format, fields, filter criteria, sort criteria, contextual filters and relationships. Views essentially allows users to create a list of content, for a website, without having to know any SQL or know the database. Views allow users to choose, the format of the results, users can open the format windows, and choose a format from the list of formats. Such formats are the grid, an HTLM list, Jump menu, a table and an unformatted list. A user can add fields to the view, to show, the contents of its database, the fields can be chosen only when a user chooses a certain format, such as an HTML list. As the user ads fields to his/her views configuration, it is important to note that as the user ads these fields, he/she is presented with a dialog box, that prompts them to set certain settings options for a field. Users can also choose where their views are going to appear on the page, when they turn their views into a block and choose where to place the block, in the block layout page. Users can also choose to rewrite the results of their views, by changing the settings options, under the rewrite results tab. Views formatter allow users to change the way, in which views display information to users on a website. The style of a view can also be manipulated, by going into the settings options for each field, under the style settings tab of the settings. Users can choose their HTML element, add a CSS class, wrap the field’s label, and create a class for that field as well. If a user wants to limit the amount of CSS classes that Drupal adds by default, the user can uncheck the add default classes box found under the fields’ settings under style settings. The views module allows users to use the power of relationships, for them to relate tables together and pull information from both tables. Developers can relate two tables, by adding a relationship , under the advance settings options, under add a relationship. Once the relationship has been added, then the user can add the field from the other tables, which have been related to the view. Users also have the option to put two table columns together, in the table’s setting under format, when users chose the table format option. Thank you for reading this article!!!
11 Jul, 2023
Drupal is a great content management system, that everyone should use to build their systems. In today’s article we are going to talk about another Drupal concept which we need to delve a bit deeper, this concept is known as modules . If you would like your site to be more dynamic, by adding new features and extending Drupal core, then you’d need to know what a module is and know how to use and develop them. Developers can also alter existing functionality developed a website, which meet the requirements of stakeholders, by only using the features of Drupal that they need. Community-contributed modules are available to any developer, who wish to fulfil a certain specific purpose. Developers must know what they need, and determine the functionality they are looking to fulfill, to know how to locate, install and evaluate existing modules, which is a huge part of learning Drupal. When necessary new modules can be created, by writing PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript code. Solving specific project requirements, requires a developer to use a module, which contain custom features or alter existing features. Custom modules are types of modules, that usually reside in the /modules/custom directory, they are project-specific, and written for a specific application. Contributed modules are another type of modules, found and downloaded from, these modules are placed in the /modules/contrib directory and are not part of Drupal core. Another type of modules are core modules, these modules are found in the /core/modules/ directory and are part of Drupal core. During the development of a module, it is a very good idea to understand how to secure, and keep the code updated, so that the website does not suffer, from security vulneraries and is always up to date. Another thing to remember when writing code to develop a custom module, is to adhere to Drupal’s coding standards . It is important to understand what coding standards are and why they are important to follow, to write code. The set of rules designed for programmers, which define best practices, code formatting and various other rules, is known as coding standards. Following coding standards, can help programmers on a team, to be able to follow and understand each other’s code, because everyone would have to follow the same conventions. Developers learn how to style and format their code, by following code standards, which define how the code will be read and how it will look. Indentation, whitespace and line length are all part of the style coding standards of Drupal. The whole Drupal project has a sense of coherence, when developers across the globe, using Drupal adhere to the same coding standards. Setting up expectations on how code should look, is a good thing, and makes coding standards very important. It is essential in a community like Drupal, for developers to follow coding standards, because developers around the world, can read, maintain and modify each other’s code. Drupal’s codebase can also stay consistent, when there are concrete coding standards, to follow. Another important part of code standards is substance , which has information about the content and standard of your code. The use of various functions and components in your code, is very important according to substance coding standards  Thank you for reading this article!!!
11 Jul, 2023
The world is changing and with that, the world of technology is changing as well, and everyone who is part of society must adhere to new sets of rules and standards that come with a chance to develop a successful society. In today’s article we are going to continue talking about Drupal and focus again on coding standards. Formatting is part of Drupal’s coding standards, and it coves things such as whitespace, aspects which influence the format and appearance of your code and the way that the code should be structured. Indentation in Drupal is very specific, developers should use 2 spaces of indentation, although there is much debate in the programming world, about indentation. The way to end your code on a file would be to leave one extra blank line at the end of the file, this file ending structure is known as the Unix file ending. In Drupal, operators should always have one space around them, specifically the ones that are enclosed under parenthesis. For example, if ($a == 'system' || $b == 'system') { return $a == 'system' ? -1 : 1; } Declaring and calling a function also follows coding standards, which describes that the argument list should come before putting a space. Before the operating curly brackets, should also have space before it. Parameters may be part of a function, if this is the case, then, they should be separated by a comma, followed by a space. In Drupal, there are reserved words known as constants, which follow coding standards as well. Constant must always be capitalized in Drupal, some of them are: TRUE, FALSE , and NULL and as you can see they are capitalized. The known control structure items are: if, else, elseif, case, switch, for each, while, and do . According to Drupal coding standards, there should be after the control structure term, and another space, before the opening curly brackets. Like functions, the closing brackets are on their own line and the statement inside one of the curly brackets is indented two spaces. A Drupal website development project must have standardized documentation, as part of its development, to understand Drupal’s code better. When developers want to track what their code does, what variable it uses, what it returns, what to expect from the code, and what it returns, then he/she can always seek to well document their work. A developer’s code must be maintainable, by everyone and to ensure this take place, standardized documentation, must be used. Documentation can clear a lot of misunderstandings and confusions, because a description of what parts of the code are doing, such as a function or large blocks of code, can be given during documentation, in the form of comments. Documentation can be written to give developers who read someone else’s code an overview of what a file contains, or what a piece of code is doing. The Doc block is a block of information found at the top of a PHP file, or before each function, class definition or method. File doc block is also a block of information, which appears at the top of every PHP file, it is placed after a blank line and before another blank line. Tags can also be used in Drupal 8 documentation, they expected to go on a certain order, and indicate what a documentation in Drupal is all about.
11 Jul, 2023
It is no doubt that a world without principles and standards, would be a very scary place, because people wouldn’t be expected to perform to a level that is acceptable by others, when they do their jobs. Imagine for example, if you wait for a red light to turn green, and you are in a country where they don’t take traffic light too seriously. You could bear to wait there for two or maybe even three minutes, but if you wait for more than thirty minutes, then you will notice that there is something wrong with the picture. So what do you do at that point, do you break the law, or do you wait for a light, that you know will not change, before you go? In today’s article we are going to continue our conversation about Drupal on coding standards , and how you can improve your level of programming, if you learn to adhere to standards set by the Drupal community. Object-oriented programming (OOP) has become a large part of Drupal 8, which has introduced a lot of coding standards for the Drupal developer. When developers want to organize their code to be more efficient, then they can choose to write their code in OOP, to use the best features that PHP has to offer today. Procedural programming does not give developers the ability to reuse their code, in the form of objects, which can be created or instantiated and contain properties that hold data, and methods that execute function. Drupal only allow for one class per file, when declaring classes in OOP, the file name should be the same as the name of the class. In Drupal 8 there is a new feature known as PSR4 autoloader , which allow classes to be loaded on demand and automatically, but the naming convention should be followed. A long list of required statements is not necessary due to autoloading, because classes are named based on the PSR-4 namespacing convention and are used on demand due to the autoloading system. The naming of the classes and how files and directories are arranged is what really matters, for the PSR-4 autoloader to work properly. If you want your module to be autoloaded properly, you should follow this directory structure, according to <modulename>/src/<namespace>. This file would contain a list of classes that are used, and inside the file the same coding standards should be follow, as far as spacing and indenting is concerned. When naming classes, certain basics must be cover, for example, UpperCamel must be used when declaring a class or interface. lowerCamel can be used when declaring a method or a class property, the word “Drupal” or “class” should not be used to name classes. In Drupal, interfaces are used often, to keep the code flexible, because it allows developers to swap classes out for another, at some point in the future of their development if it’s necessary of course. Developers use interfaces because they are flexible and allow them to implement different functionality, while sharing a common interface, this is known as polymorphism a OOP concept. Classes can be public, private or protected, to declare their visibility, which is a requirement. Thank you for reading this article!!!
11 Jul, 2023
Programming is part of developing websites, and when you use Drupal to develop your website, it would be a very good idea, to learn programming. In today’s article we are going to talk about Object-Oriented in PHP (OOP PHP or OO-PHP) in Drupal 8; which is a system of writing code, where developers are required to structure their code into reusable chunks of code. An object is a piece of code that does something for an application, for example, a wheel is part of the car and does something for the car, so that the car is usable; however, the wheel is not the car it just forms part of the car. Well objects function the same way, in the sense that they do something for the application, such connecting to a database or calling a service to perform an operation for the application. Complex applications such as Drupal, are better organized into classes or modular code. Classes can be used throughout a system, to keep things in order and well maintained. In order to understand how to implement custom functionality, the architecture of modules, and the various forms they can take, developers should have a solid understanding of OOP PHP. In Drupal 8 for example, OOP PHP is used heavily in its code base, because it provides so many benefits, such as maintainability and scalability. In the modern OO-PHP developers have at their disposal, things such as encapsulation, inheritance, interface, OO-PHP and design patterns, that developers can use to improve their skill. OO-PHP can better serve Drupal 8 to be a better tool for its users, so that developers can build better websites. Hopefully you already know PHP, because our discussion is focused more on Drupal 8 and all the technologies it has in order to better serve its users. We are going to talk now about YAML . The human-readable data serialization format, known as YAML, is heavily used in Drupal 8; therefore, if you’d like to use Drupal 8, you’d have to know and understand YAML syntax. YAML stands for YAML Ain’t Markup Language, although many people confuse this technology with a markup language. YAML is supported by many programming languages, it is similar to JSON, because it is a superset of JSON, which means that you can use JSON type syntax to write your YAML files. It makes sense for th Drupal 8 project to use YAML, because Symphony already uses it, and Drupal 8 is built on top of Symphony. All YAML files are represented as key, separator and the value, like this (name: Joe Shindelar). New lines and tabbed characters are syntactically important, and it can support different data types, such as string, int, float, Boolean, null and UNIX timestamp. Compound data types or collections are also supported in YAML, this is an associative array or a list. It is also important that you keep your indentation correct in a YAML file, so that it can be utilized by Drupal. Another important component of Drupal 8 is Symphony , which is written in PHP as an application framework that is used to build website applications. Reusable components are part of the Symphony framework, which are used by Drupal 8 core library. In Symphony there is a buzz word known as Bundles , which is a folder, where we put code, such as a feature that can do some registration validation stuff. Bundles can be used to put anything, such as PHP code, configuration files, templates, CSS files and other people’s bundles. Another very important component in Drupal 8, is Twig , which is the default template engine used in Drupal 8. As developers using Drupal 8, you’d need to know twig to make changes, to the output of your Drupal website pages. The PHP templating for Drupal 8, is used to output PHP variables inside HTML, by using double curly braces. So you’d set up your variable in your PHP file, then when you are ready to print it on your Twig template, then you would follow this syntax {{ variable_name }}, you can also use the {{% %}} to do something such as a for loop or a conditional statement, and if you want to comment something our you would use {{# #}}. Thank you for reading this article!!!
28 Jun, 2023
Website developers must continue to develop and sharpen their skills, for them to have an edge in this very competitive world. In today’s article, we will continue our conversation about Plugins in Drupal 8 so that we can implement one and know how to use them. A module developer should be using the Drupal console to do his/her development in Drupal 8 because that’s the way. Common plugin types can be found through Drupal console’s commands, that developers can generate. If a developer would like to see a list of plugins that the Drupal console can generate, he/she can simply type the code below. drupal list generate: plugin You won’t have to deal with a lot of pertinent redundant code, that can be simply generated for you, and you can focus on development. A developer can also use an existing plugin and rename a few things to avoid boilerplate code. A developer should also know what plugin manager class is responsible for, and which plugin type, once he/she has a list of them, wants to use. The plugin manager will define a new plugin so that it can be listed and instances of the plugin of the defined type can be instantiated. The way that plugins of a type are discovered and instantiated is defined by the central controlling class known as the plugin manager. Any developer who wishes to invoke a plugin of any type can do so calling the plugin manager class directly inside of a module. A new plugin type can be created, by creating a new plugin manager. The place where the metadata of a single plugin instance is defined, as well as the method that will be used, for plugin discovery, is determined by plugin managers. The following code:
Implements all plugin managers, and this piece of code extends these three pieces of code, which are the basis for any new plugin manager.
\Drupal\Component\Plugin\Discovery\DiscoveryInterface,                                                       \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Factory\FactoryInterface and,                                                      \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Mapper\MapperInterface.
The plugin.manager.* a piece of code is used to generate plugin manager services and from the service container, a copy of the plugin manager can be requested. Example:
$example_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.example');
Once a developer has identified the plugin manager needed, to complete a task, then that developer has to start, by locating the name of the plugin manager service he/she needs. The controller will be the place where, a developer can inject their plugin manager services, and this is the Drupal way of doing things. The code below is a controller file, located under custom_module/src/Controller, it is very important that you get those names and file directory correct, for Drupal to recognize your controller and plugin.
<?php                                                                                                            namespace Drupal\plugin_type_example\Controller;                                                                                                            use Drupal\Core\Controller\ControllerBase;                                                      use Drupal\plugin_type_example\SandwichPluginManager;                                                      use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;                                                                                                            /**                                                      * Controller for our example pages.                                                      */                                                      class PluginTypeExampleController extends ControllerBase {                                                        /**                                                         * The sandwich plugin manager.                                                         *                                                         * We use this to get all of the sandwich plugins.                                                         *                                                         * @var \Drupal\plugin_type_example\SandwichPluginManager                                                         */                                                        protected $sandwichManager;                                                        /**                                                         * Constructor.                                                         *                                                         * @param \Drupal\plugin_type_example\SandwichPluginManager $sandwich_manager                                                         *   The sandwich plugin manager service. We're injecting this service so that                                                         *   we can use it to access the sandwich plugins.                                                         */                                                        public function __construct(SandwichPluginManager $sandwich_manager) {                                                          $this->sandwichManager = $sandwich_manager;                                                        }                                                         /**                                                         * {@inheritdoc}                                                         *                                                         * Override the parent method so that we can inject our sandwich plugin                                                         * manager service into the controller.                                                         *                                                         * For more about how dependency injection works read                                                         */                                                        public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) {                                                          // Inject the plugin.manager.sandwich service that represents our plugin                                                          // manager as defined in the file.                                                          return new static($container->get('plugin.manager.sandwich'));                                                        }                                                      }
All defined plugins have information that can aid our application development to move forward faster. All that information from defined plugins is available to developers when they can make calls to the getDefinitions method. Enabled modules, can be used to locate all plugin definitions of the type in question, through the discovery handler . When the discovery handler is not used to retrieve data, then the DefaultPluginManager is used to retrieve the data from the cache if the data is available there. A good example of is in the code below, watch how the definitions of a plugin can be obtained in the code.
// Get the list of all the sandwich plugins defined on the system from the                                                      // plugin manager. Note that at this point, what we have is *definitions* of                                                      // plugins, not the plugins themselves.                                                      $sandwich_plugin_definitions = $this->sandwichManager->getDefinitions();                                                      // Let's output a list of the plugin definitions we now have.                                                      $items = array();                                                      foreach ($sandwich_plugin_definitions as $sandwich_plugin_definition) {                                                       // Here we use various properties from the plugin definition. These values                                                       // are defined in the annotation at the top of the plugin class: see                                                       // \Drupal\plugin_type_example\Plugin\Sandwich\ExampleHamSandwich.                                                        $items[] = t("@id (calories: @calories, description: @description )", array(                                                          '@id' => $sandwich_plugin_definition['id'],                                                          '@calories' => $sandwich_plugin_definition['calories'],                                                          '@description' => $sandwich_plugin_definition['description'],                                                        ));                                                      }                                                      // Add our list to the render array.                                                      $build['plugin_definitions'] = array(                                                        '#theme' => 'item_list',                                                        '#title' => 'Sandwich plugin definitions',                                                        '#items' => $items,                                                      );
When a list of plugin types is desired by a developer he/she may want to use the method above to accomplish this task. The unique ID of a plugin can be utilized in order to retrieve the definition of the plugin in question, calling the getDefinition($plugin_id) method. // If we want just a single plugin definition, we can use getDefinition(). // This requires us to know the ID of the plugin we want. This is set in the // annotation on the plugin class: see \Drupal\plugin_type_example\Plugin\Sandwich\ExampleHamSandwich. $ham_sandwich_plugin_definition = $this->sandwichManager->getDefinition('meatball_sandwich'); In order to instantiate and use an individual plugin object, the createInstance($plugin_id) method can be used. It is not good practice to instantiate a plugin object directly, instead, the plugin manager should be used to do so. Understanding how instances of a plugin are created requires that you see it in action, in the code below.
// To get an instance of a plugin, we call createInstance() on the plugin                                                      // manager, passing the ID of the plugin we want to load. Let's output a                                                      // list of the plugins by loading an instance of each plugin definition and                                                      // collecting the description from each.                                                      $items = array();                                                      // The array of plugin definitions is keyed by plugin id, so we can just use                                                      // that to load our plugin instances.                                                      $sandwich_plugin_definitions = $this->sandwichManager->getDefinitions();                                                      foreach ($sandwich_plugin_definitions as $plugin_id => $sandwich_plugin_definition) {                                                       // We now have a plugin instance. From here on it can be treated just as                                                       // any other object; have its properties examined, methods called, etc.                                                        $plugin = $this->sandwichManager->createInstance($plugin_id);                                                        $items[] = $plugin->description();                                                      }
All the code on this tutorial was taken from Thank you for reading this article!!!
01 Apr, 2023
In the web technology world, things are changing constantly, and a developer must move with the changes, or else he/she will be left behind indeed. It is a good idea for a good developer, to enhance their skills, in order to be on top of their game. In today’s article we are going to be talking a bit about controllers, which is another Drupal 8 buzz word. Controllers have been designed and registered to handle requests and generate responses. The controller is where the developer shine because the website page is developed in the controller function, which are very simple. You can connect to a database, query the database or even send an email from your controller file. Controller functions must return a Symphony response object, which is the one big rule about controller functions. The router controller response flow, will allow us to understand how symphony works and Drupal 8 in general works. Services are also part of symphony, which is part of Drupal; services are found in the service container. Services do something for the user, by them accessing the service container; knowing how to use and access the service container is very important. When a developer uses services he/she is not required to do things one way, because services are flexible. Once you are very familiar with a service, you should be able to request a service from the service container and use it in your code to do things such as send an email. You should also be able to define a new service, override an existing service and subscribe to an event. Service objects don’t interrupt the code that is being used to call a service, when they implement an interface or are exchanged for the services which implement the same interface. The ability to use a third party send/receive email services or be able to work with multiple different database servers is given to Drupal 8 through services. The functionalities that services have to offer, can only be accessed by a Drupal 8 developer, by accessing the service container. The decoupled nature of the Drupal 8 systems must be respected; therefore, services must be accessed through a service container. A developer who want to use services, must know what services exist, as well as learn their machine name, so that they can request a copy of said service from the service container. Through the dependency Injection Container, services can be collected, modules can be used to override services to use different instantiation or different classes. Developers can view services provided by contributed modules or those services from core, by generating a list of services for the current site, which can be obtained, through the Drupal Console. A developer would use this code, to get a complete list of the services available, drupal debug:container, to get a list of services filtered, then the grep command would be used, in this manner, drupal debug:container | grep path.alias_manager. If you as a developer want to make your life easier, have a strong coding architecture, and be able to centralize the way that services are used, it is best practice to use the service container. We are going to close our article now on services, but I am sure we are going to be picking this topic back up in the future, especially if it’s hard to understand. Thank you for reading this article!!!
31 Mar, 2023
The website development world is truly an amazing world, developers should always keep their skills up to date by taking courses and getting certifications, and training which can help them to accomplish great things, in the web technology space. In today’s article, we are going to talk a bit more about services in Drupal 8, we will learn how to use one, step by step. Accessing and using services requires a developer to use, something called Dependency Injection. Setter methods are used to inject services, or they can also be passed, as an argument to a constructor, this way there is no need to call out to the global service container. Alright, so let’s delve into the structure of a service file, the file will define the services you would like to use. This file is automatically used and detected by Drupal when it is placed in the root of your_module directory. It looks something like this, you can find the complete list of services on the file. parameters: gc_probability: 1 gc_divisor: 100 twig.config: debug: false renderer.config: required_cache_contexts: [‘languages:language_interface’, ‘theme’, ‘user.permissions’] auto_placeholder_conditions: max-age: 0 factory.keyvalue: default: keyvalue.database http.response.debug_cacheability_headers: false factory.keyvalue.expirable: default: keyvalue.expirable.database filter_protocols: – http – https – ftp – news – nntp – tel cors.config: enabled: false supportsCredentials: false tempstore.expire: 604800 services: # Simple cache contexts, directly derived from the request context. cache_context.ip: class: Drupal\Core\Cache\Context\IpCacheContext arguments: [‘@request_stack’] tags: – { name: cache.context } cache_context.headers: class: Drupal\Core\Cache\Context\HeadersCacheContext arguments: [‘@request_stack’] tags: – { name: cache.context } cache_context.cookies: class: Drupal\Core\Cache\Context\CookiesCacheContext arguments: [‘@request_stack’] tags: – { name: cache.context } cache_context.session: class: Drupal\Core\Cache\Context\SessionCacheContext arguments: [‘@request_stack’] tags: – { name: cache.context} cache_context.session.exists: class: Drupal\Core\Cache\Context\SessionExistsCacheContext arguments: [‘@session_configuration’, ‘@request_stack’] tags: – { name: cache.context} alias: Remember that this is a .yml file, therefore, it is very important that you pay attention to indentation here. Before we move on let’s talk about the properties of a service, to understand the services .yml file a bit better. The first property is alias, which is just the alias name of the service which you intend to use for your custom code. Aliasing services would give you the ability to access them, through a shortcut created through an alias. The next property of a service file is the calls, which are used for setter injection; it is important to note that there are three different types of injections known as the constructor injection, which is used by adding an argument to the constructor signature, which can accept the dependency. The constructor injection is the most common way of injecting dependencies in Drupal 8. The constructor injection allows developers to ensure that required dependencies are present when a class that cannot be constructed without the dependency is used. The constructor injection though can be problematic when a class needs to be overridden or extended. The setter injection is another way of injecting dependencies into a class, by setting a setter method which accepts the dependency, then we are using the setter injection. Optional dependencies are better injected with setter injection because the setter does not have to be called if the dependency is not needed. With setter injections, you don’t have to call them but just once, you can make multiple calls, to the same setter injection. The setter injection though can also force you to work in the dark, because a developer doesn’t have a way to know if the dependency has been changed during the lifetime of the object. The only way of knowing this information is to explicitly write the setter method, which would check if the dependency has already been called. In order to find out if any required dependency has been injected a developer has to also add checks when he/she is using the setter injection method. The other type of dependency injection is known as the property injection, which is like setter injection; however, with property injection, there is no way to control when a dependency has been set, because, during the object’s lifetime, it can be changed. Before using a dependency, which has been injected via the property injection method, a developer has to write code, which would explicitly test the class instance; because developers will not be sure which dependency is being used. Alright, we have arrived at the end of our conversation, we will continue talking about this topic on the very next article stay tuned. Thank you for reading this article!!! 
30 Mar, 2023
Alright on the last article we promised that we were going to talk more about services, so this is what we are going to do here. Let’s delve right to it, another property of services is the configurator property , which is used to configure a service after it has been installed, where there is a service, which requires a complex setup. The configuration of the configurator property would usually come from a different source or service. Another property of the service file is the factory property , which is where the service class is instantiated through a class. The file property is a file included just before the service, and the tags property is used to identify groups of services. There are other properties defined at drupal .org, I don’t want to focus too much on the property although they are very important. Let’s continue to talk about the structure of the service files and directory. Now that we are aware of the different properties found in the service .yml file, let’s look at the other components needed to use a service. There is one more property, which is important to note, is known as the class property, which is used to point to any .php file found in the src/Services directory. The .php file will allow you to call your dependencies and use them however you need.config_factory = $config_factory } ………… }config_factory = $config_factory; } … } The above code is an example of a .php file which is making a call to a dependency using the constructor method in the __construct() constructor for the class. In the above code, you’ll see that we named a class called WatchCartoon, which has a method that injects a service called ConfigFactory. The code does not do anything, because it is not complete, but you can find more information at FFW. This is as far as I can take you with services, go and create your own, there is so much information about them and you can find it online for free so that you can also start to create and use services on your Drupal 8 site. Splitting functionalities into reusable components is the idea behind a service, which can be used to accomplish many things in Drupal 8. It would be a good practice for you as a developer to create your own service or use an existing one. Creating your own service will allow you to become a master at what you just read, but if you are still unsure about this daunting task you can go on ahead and read more on the subject. I wouldn’t suggest you start doing something in Drupal 8 if you haven’t done your research first. If you do that, then you will run into a wall, because there are things you won’t be aware off at first, when you develop your application using Drupal 8. Thank you for reading this article!!! 
By Cinnamon Lampson 28 Mar, 2023
The web space has many tools and resources, which are used on a daily, to keep websites running smoothly. Without these tools and resources, we wouldn’t be able to develop self-sustaining systems, which are scalable and are able to be changed to handle the growth that accompanies technology. In today’s article we are going to talk about JavaScript in Drupal 8 , and CSS in Drupal 8 so that you as a developer can add custom JavaScript or CSS code to a website and utilize the different libraries included in Drupal core. It is important to know that using one of the many popular JavaScript libraries provided by Drupal core, is the way of adding custom JavaScript to a site. As a Drupal 8 developer, it is important to wrap our heads around the asset library system, because, our custom JavaScript code can be added to every page, based on the requirements we have for that page, by wrapping the JavaScript code in an asset library. Passing configuration stored in the database to the front-end and implementing AJAX calls to a Drupal route can be easily achieved through the numerous Drupal-specific JavaScript libraries found in Drupal core. jQuery, Backbone, Underscore and Modernizer are all part of Drupal as external projects. jQuery is the most common JavaScript library to developers, and the most used in Drupal core. AJAX, animation, event handling and DOM manipulations are easier to manage across all browsers due to the jQuery library’s simple API. Widgets, animation, and effects with minimal code, can be provided using the jQuery UI, which contains interface elements. A simple in browser feature detection, is provided by the Modernizr asset library, which allow website developers, to customize a user’s experience according to what features they have available on their browsers. Underscore.js and Backbone.js, are also very popular JavaScript library, Backbone allow users to add models and view to their application. Underscore on the other hand, provides an easier way for working with objects and arrays, through over 100 utility functions. Data objects such as the toolbar are represented, with Backbone models in Drupal 8. The user interface is described by using Backbone views, which are used by the CKEditor’s toolbar configuration and the Quick Edit module. Alright now let’s talk just a little bit about CSS in Drupal 8, which can be included on a website, in different ways. Like JavaScript custom CSS must be loaded to Drupal 8 through an asset library, because these libraries contain one or more CSS assets. Developers can package the styling and functionality of components in a Drupal website, thanks to asset libraries. Drupal sites are kept consistent when the asset library is used, to load CSS files, to a Drupal 8 site. The three steps that are followed to load a CSS/JS asset would be: first is to save the CSS or JS file, then the library needs to be defined, finally the library can be attached to a render array in a hook. A .library.yml file must be added to the root folder of the module, then inside of that file developers can define CSS and JS assets. Here is an example of the .library.yml file. cuddly-slider: version: 1.x css: layout: css/cuddly-slider-layout.css: {} theme: css/cuddly-slider-theme.css: {} js: js/cuddly-slider.js: {} Thank you for reading this article!!!
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